This week we enter into the Torah portion Beha'alotcha and focus on the power of prayer, particularly in the context of praying for healing. In our journey through this week's parsha, we come across a brief but poignant prayer by Moses in Numbers 12:13. This short verse holds valuable lessons about the nature of prayer and its potential to bring about healing in our lives. Let us delve into this passage and explore the significance of praying for healing.
I. The Cry for Healing:
In Numbers 12:13, we read, "And Moses cried out to the Lord, saying, 'Please God, heal her now.'" We witness Moses crying out to God, urgently pleading for healing on behalf of his sister, Miriam. Despite its brevity, this prayer demonstrates Moses' genuine concern and his unwavering faith in God's power to heal. It serves as a reminder that our prayers need not be wordy or elaborate to be effective. What matters most is the sincerity and depth of our connection with the Divine.
II. The Intimacy of Prayer:
Moses' prayer exemplifies the intimate relationship he had with God. He called upon the Divine, saying, "Please God, heal her now." This direct and personal communication reflects the closeness and trust Moses had developed with the Creator. When we pray for healing, we are invited to cultivate a similar level of intimacy with the Divine. It is through this closeness that we can experience God's healing touch in our lives.
III. Faith and Trust:
Moses' plea for healing showcases his unwavering faith and trust in God's ability to intervene. He approached God with complete confidence, believing that God could restore Miriam's health. Likewise, when we pray for healing, we must approach God with faith. Our faith becomes the bridge that connects us to the Divine.
IV. The Power of Concise Prayers:
The brevity of Moses' prayer teaches us an essential lesson: prayers need not be lengthy or verbose to be effective. The Creator of all hears even the shortest and simplest prayers when they come from a sincere heart. In times of distress, pain, or illness, we can cry out to God with a few heartfelt words, knowing that God listens and understands the deepest cries of our souls.
V. Prayer as a Pathway to Healing:
While physical healing may be a remarkable outcome of prayer, we must also recognize that healing extends beyond the physical realm. Prayer can bring emotional, spiritual, and relational healing as well. When we offer our concerns and burdens to God, we open ourselves to transformative grace and healing.Â
As we reflect upon Moses' prayer for healing, let us remember that prayer is a powerful tool that enables us to connect with the Divine. Whether we find ourselves in need of physical, emotional, or spiritual healing, let us emulate Moses' example of sincerity, faith, and trust. Let us approach God's presence with the assurance that God hears our prayers. And our prayers are capable of bringing restoration and healing into our lives. May we be encouraged to cultivate a deep and intimate relationship with God and recognize we can experience God's grace and transformative power.
A Closing Prayer:
Creator of all, we come before you with open hearts, seeking your healing touch. We thank you for the example of Moses and his sincere prayer for Miriam's healing. May we, too, approach You as Moses did with unwavering faith and trust. We know you hear our cries, and we thank you, the Divine Source of All. Amen.
Other than invoking God, prayer sets intention, which is a catalyst to our inner healer and most empathetic self which can empower healing energy for others, which is unreal real, just like Adonai herself.